Sunday, October 21, 2007

For a union that represents ALL members!

OK, it’s the dying days of the AEU elections in South Australia and most votes are in.

However, the grumbling and complaining continues to bounce along on the Principal Association chatlines.

Latest is this piece from Aberfoyle Park High PC08 Wendy Teasdale-Smith:

Was I the only person who found it annoying and offensive to receive sent to my home address a letter from AEU candidates saying something to the effect of "whatever you do don't vote for any principals at the next election"? And, to have included in the letter references to what was implied as underhanded or inappropriate behaviour by the Associations
Wendy “

For the record, this is the letter sent to members and signed by all Past Presidents with the exception of local Liberal party luminary Bob Jackson:


Past AEU Presidents are taking the unprecedented step to write to you to provide some important information about this year’s AEU Elections.

Since the eighties, AEU leadership and executive have represented a balance of all members’ interests regardless of classification. The voices of SSOs, classroom teachers, Aboriginal educators, early years educators and of course principals have all been represented equally, fairly and in the best interests of all AEU members and Public Education.

This year, however, a group or “ticket”, consisting predominantly of principals is running for President, Vice-President and Executive positions.

This is an unprecedented attempt by a specific interest group to take control of the AEU to progress the interests of principals.

Such a ticket, particularly if supported by Principal Associations, will encourage a vote en bloc by Principals across South Australia, as evidenced by the outcome of the last AEU election in 2005.

A low participation rate in AEU voting by the broad membership will almost certainly see this narrow interest group elected.

That is why past AEU Presidents are calling upon you to make sure your vote counts this election and elect members of executive and of course a president and vice presidents who truly represent all members.

A progressive union that represents the interests of all members is the key to a strong and active union that has a proven track record of successfully promoting public education and improving all members’ working conditions.

(Signed by the following):

Andrew Gohl 2004-2007
John Gregory 1978-1981, 2000-2003
Janet Giles 1996-1999
Clare McCarty 1992-1995
David Tonkin 1988-1991
Leonie Ebert 1982-1983

Really, it’s a bit naughty of Wendy to word her gripe so sloppily, and to include a deliberate fabrication in quotation marks as though it really represented the views of six past Presidents from 1978 to the present (excluding the Liberal Jackson).

“Whatever you do, don’t vote for any principals at the nest election”????

Then why would we stand primary principal Marcus Knill as Male Vice-President and Area School principal Mick Braham for Executive on our ticket?

So people won’t vote for them?

Sloppy, Wendy, sloppy!

Teasdale-Smith’s piece followed on from a similar gripe by current executive member and primary principal Katrina Spencer that was pasted onto the Secondary Principals Association chatline by Phil Goldman.

Here is principal Mick Braham’s considered response to Spencer:

The email from Katrina Spencer and posted by Philip Goldman regarding the AEU elections cannot go without a response.

I understood that SASPA Executive determined they would not support any group in the AEU elections. I commend that stance. The AEU does not involve itself in anyway in Association elections and nor should Associations in AEU elections (I make a clear distinction here between associations and members of those associations). However, since a one-sided point of view has been posted on the chat-line, I felt it was important to respond to the email to give an alternative insight.

Firstly, to Katrina's comments, supported by Phil:
1) I do not concur that leaders are poorly represented in the AEU. It's easy to sit back and criticise, but as an active member of the AEU Band 3 Consultative Committee, it has been evident to me that the AEU is highly committed at improving the conditions for its leaders. As our Association can attest to, achieving "wins" with the employer (with the might of a State Government) is not easy. Marcus Knill as Vice President and Ken Drury as Band 3 Organiser are highly committed to AEU leaders in schools.

2) The letter sent to members by past AEU Presidents does not in any way "speak against" Principals. Three of the five past presidents who signed the letter were principals, one still is and another was recently thanked by the Secondary Principals Association for working pro bono in retirement to resist the education cuts. All were teachers, and proud of it. Together, they offer a wide range of perspectives. This group of past presidents is not against Principals and school leaders. They have a history of effective advocacy in the interests of all members, including principals and school leaders. They do not in their letter say who they endorse. They encourage a vote in the interests of ALL members. As one, they are merely making a point that there are two groups or "tickets" seeking election. One ticket is comprised almost totally of principals and deputies, predominantly primary, and the other represents all AEU members, including primary, including leaders, including secondary, and reflects that in its make up.

Privately, they may endorse a range of candidates representing all members, including principals and school leaders. That is why, amongst a group including a primary teacher for President, Correna Haythorpe, and Marcus Knill for Vice President, I have been endorsed for Executive. Marcus was Principal at Kimba Area School and Assistant Principal at Roxby Downs Area School before becoming AEU Vice President. I am currently the Principal at Cleve Area School and have spent the last 13 years in leadership positions.

In the previous two years, Marcus Knill has convened the AEU Secondary Education Committee to develop papers on the future of public senior secondary schooling in SA and response to the SACE Review. He has formed an AEU/DECS Future SACE Implementation Group and has held several AEU Future SACE forums, including one here in Whyalla. Who will provide this leadership in the AEU from the principals' ticket for Secondary curriculum?

Correna Haythorpe is currently the AEU Women's Officer. She addressed the Band 3 Committee earlier in the year and it was clear that she is committed to representing all members including school leaders.

Finally, I agree with Phil's concluding statement, I believe it is important to have leaders representing ALL AEU members. That's why I will be supporting Correna Haythorpe, Marcus Knill and the Progressive Educators ticket for the next crucial two years as we enter a new enterprise bargaining period.

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